Contact us

We buy your order from Fashion Avenue Dubai Mall and send it to your country from the time of the submitting your request.
You can easily search your favorite brand and copy-past the URL from the original UAE website into your profile.
You can find out the final price of your order by the designed calculator on the website.
Contact us for anything we are completely at your service  online chat

Contact us

We buy your order from Fashion Avenue Dubai Mall and send it to your country from the time of the submitting your request.
You can easily search your favorite brand and copy-past the URL from the original UAE website into your profile.
You can find out the final price of your order by the designed calculator on the website.
Contact us for anything we are completely at your service  online chat


AlHARRODS Store, every purchase is made with maximum security thanks to the use of Trustwave and Geotrust-certified secure servers and the implementation of the most advanced encryption services (SSL). We only use protected connections, as demonstrated by the “https” URL prefix and the lock symbol that appears in the browser’s address bar.

To safeguard your credit card purchases, you will always be asked to enter your CVV code for every orde

Track your order

Details will be available in a few minutes after order confirmation and you can find out about your purchase process.


Orders will be sent to you with safe packaging and mail. We have also considered safer packaging for special clothes


Tax laws vary from country to country and are determined by that country’s trading system. We also do this amount in Dubai, UAE


AlHARRODS Store, every purchase is made with maximum security thanks to the use of Trustwave and Geotrust-certified secure servers and the implementation of the most advanced encryption services (SSL). We only use protected connections, as demonstrated by the “https” URL prefix and the lock symbol that appears in the browser’s address bar.

To safeguard your credit card purchases, you will always be asked to enter your CVV code for every orde

Track your order

Details will be available in a few minutes after order confirmation and you can find out about your purchase process.


Orders will be sent to you with safe packaging and mail. We have also considered safer packaging for special clothes


Tax laws vary from country to country and are determined by that country’s trading system. We also do this amount in Dubai, UAE